wizyty studyjne

We invite all students and high school students to participate in the cycle of the debates:

"Active participation of young people in planning the development of the municipality"

The topics, dates and locations of the meetings:

Debate I: Educational offer, formal and non-formal education for young people.

9.30-13.30, 03.21.2016 on Waszyngtona 4/8 Street ( Jan Dlugosz Academy's building in Częstochowa)

Debate II: Supporting an economic development and eliminating youth unemployment

09.30-13.30, 04.04.2016, ul. Zbierskiego 2/4 Street (Jan Dlugosz Academy's building in Częstochowa)

Debate III: Opportunities of the impact on young people in public spaces in the municipality.

9.30-13.30, 18.04.2016, Waszyngtona 4/8 Street ( AJD's building)

Debate IV: The involvement of young people in the cultural life of the community

9.30-13.30, 04.25.2016, Zbierskiego 2/4 Street (AJD's building)


Debate V: Summary of  series of debates

9.30-13.30, 05.09.2016, Waszyngtona 2/4 Street (AJD's building)

We invite you to cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.