The project "Eu.R.Y.D" is a bilateral exchange between the Municipality of Mormanno and Institute for Regional Cooperation. The activities will take place in Mormanno(Italy) in August 2016. Each partner will involve 15 participants from 17 to 22 years old and two group leaders. The language of communication will be English. The main topic of the project is going to be connected with knowledge and valorization of the rural, natural and cultural heritage of the National Park of Pollino  in particular, the knowledge of sport tourism and new 'green jobs' in support of the social and economic development. The main idea of the project is to allow young people to overcome the negative perception about living in a rural area and outside it, which represents an obstacle to the own personal, social and professional development rather than an added value. The specific objective of the project is to promote, among the young generation, the valorization of the natural and cultural heritage through sport and outdoors activities, fostering behaviours that respect the enviroment. The exchange's aim is to stimulate the dialogue concerning the development of the own territorial identity and to accept the idea that working in a rural area could be so 'smart', as  it creates development and business. During the 'activities week' other stakeholders like: the sport associations of Mormanno  will be involved. They will give an evidence why sport can be  treated as a source of tourism also for a rural area. In addition to sport and outdoors activities, the participants will have the opportunity to think about important aspects connected with the main topic of the project. Through the facilitation methodologies they will reason out about the opportunity of development of a natural protected area and how the sport and the business roles (e.g. naturalistic tourist gide) can contribute to the local development.

The specific objectives of the project:

- Promoting among the younger generation respect to the  natural and cultural heritage

- Breaking youth's negative attitudes towards rural areas

- Supporting economic development through the development of  "green" jobs