Training Course 'HUMAN RIGHTS' was held in Rewa from 5-11.05.2023. Participants in the training course on human rights with elements of communication and public speaking were youth workers from countries such as:

Poland- Instytut Współpracy Regionalnej

Italy- Comitato d'intesa

Spain- Colectivo MosaiQ

Romania- 100% Playground

TURKEY- Ardahan Azerbaycan Dernegi



During the week-long project, participants, delved into the following topics: human rights, the Directory of Human Rights, restrictions on the exercise of rights as well as freedoms, awareness of human rights in the local community, principles of equality and non-discrimination, mechanisms for protecting human rights and ways to prevent violations. In addition, they had the opportunity to gain knowledge in the topics of communication and public speaking.

As part of the project, posts were created on the topic of 'how to prevent specific human rights violations', which can be found on our Facebook: